Well, I got a new laptop. I got it primarily for reading and writing, so it's low tech. I like that though, since my old laptop was huge, heavy, and made for playing games. I didn't actually want to play games on it though, I just got it because my brother got a laptop like it and it seemed faster than my old one.

I told myself that when I got a new laptop, I'd use it for two things: writing out ideas I'd had in my head (but were annoying to type out on my custom desktop PC and my phone), and reading things I'd saved the past few years that I never got around to. One thing I said I'd do is update this Neocities thing, which had been sitting here for almost a year, untouched. I still don't know all the details, nor do I have a solid plan, but hopefully I can do something a little ambitious with this.

I also have a Blogspot thing. That was something else I'd wanted to update this year, but never did. I think it's because if you try to type up something lengthy on Blogspot, everything in the Blogspot editor will slow to an absolute crawl as you try to make adjustments. I usually end up writing out the whole thing on Google Docs before slowly, annoyingly, translating all of that to Blogspot. It's gotten aggravting, to the point where I considered restarting on Wordpress.

I doubt I'll have my first big idea ready by the end of the year, mostly because every time I try to do something new I always find myself getting discouraged and demotivated. If you're a person like me that feels like they could be more creative but generally feels that they have to "force" it in order to actually get it done... well you can understand the paradox that mindset can trap you in. With this new laptop though, I think I can motivate myself try something substantial, so I'll figure out what to retool this Neocities into.